Wednesday 21 November 2012

Local Press get into action on Manor Farm Broiler Units at DL2 1PN

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to stop controversial plans to build sheds housing 128,000 broiler chickens at a beauty spot and conservation area.
The smell and impact on the Teesdale Way, St John the Baptists Church and walks nearby is already very noxious.
Owners of Manor Farm, in Low Dinsdale, DL2 1PN near Darlington, have applied to erect three broiler units in fields next to the village:  see link to article in local newspaper thenorthernecho

Please help to stop this inappropriate industrial development in this area of  national heritage, outstanding beauty so close to Darlington and on the River Tees

Thursday 15 November 2012

Health Risks to community from Broiler farm DL2 1PN

Risks caused by bio-aerosols in

poultry houses

J. Hartung and J. Schulz

Institute of Animal Hygiene, Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover,

Bünteweg 17p, 30559 Hannover, Germany.



Aerial pollutants in confined animal houses are widely recognized as detrimental to the

respiratory health of animals kept in these facilities. Primary and opportunistic microbial

pathogens may directly cause infectious and allergic diseases in farm animals, and chronic

exposure to some types of aerial pollutants may exacerbate multi-factorial environmental

diseases. There are, however, few international field surveys paying attention to the health

of the farmers and the farm personnel working in such atmospheres, and to the spread of

pathogens from farm buildings. Studies reveal that up to 20 percent of farmers and farm

workers report work-related symptoms of respiratory affections, such as coughing, sputum

and wheezing. Some develop asthma, others develop diseases that are described as ODTS

(organic dust toxic syndrome). There are indications that various pathogens can survive in

ambient air for several minutes and can be distributed over long distances, (e.g. foot-andmouth

disease (FMD) virus more than 50 km, and staphylococcae up to 500 m).

This paper describes the complex nature and composition of the aerial pollutants, such

as gases, dust, micro-organisms and other compounds, present in the air of farm animal

houses, their potential role in the development of respiratory diseases in humans and animals,

and their distribution in the surroundings of farms. Future-oriented sustainable farm

animal production should (in addition to improving animal welfare, consumer protection,

economy and occupational health) enhance standards aimed at preventing or reducing the

aerial spread of pathogens.

Key words: air pollutants, bio-aerosols, poultry farming, disease transmission, occupational

health, dust, gases, bacteria

Saturday 3 November 2012

Manor Farm DL2 1PN planning objection

Manor Farm Dl2 1PN (12/00619/FULE)  planning application for Broiler units on the Teesdale Way .
The Environmental Statement has previuosly come under scrutiny and does not appear to be an upto date assessment also curiously English Heritage have been very quite on the subject. Where will the waste water from all these new Broiler units be dumped? the only grass field available (most of the farm is on a flood plain) is on the Tees next to the bridge and a popular walking, fishing spot.

Please contact the Darlington Planning Office
English Heritage, Environment Agency, CPRE, Natural England to object with case number(12/00619/FULE)
  PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPANIED BY AN ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT WHICH IS LIKELY TO | AFFECT A RIGHT OF WAY Manor Farm, Low Dinsdale, NEASHAM, DARLINGTON, DL2 1PN (12/00619/FULE) Erection of 3 No poultry houses and associated feed bins, access and hardstanding areas A copy of the application and plans may be inspected atthe Customer Service Centre, Town Hall, Darlington during normal office hours or online by going to the following address on the council's website Any written representations to the proposed development should quote the planning reference number and reach me no later than 2 November 2012. Any queries please call (01325) 388799 12 October 2012

 *make your objection to Darlington Council (12/00619/FULE

**see past details below case which object to Manor Farm DL2 1PN Broiler complex
Item 6 - Manor Farm Low Dinsdale 0900107ful.pdf